Monday 1 March 2021


I had the chance of speaking with a musician at Berklee who is a mini-celebrity in his own right, as part of our conversation we explored the nature of Art which I felt was worth sharing:

I really liked the themes of art & creativity that emerged from our conversation. The sentiment that art can at the same time be both how you express yourself as well as something which cannot really be defined or just something that elicits a response from an audience. When looking at masterpieces we tend to view them as static - something that has a sense of achievement and finality, but when seen through the eyes of the artist, their art is really a dynamic living entity. The art influences the artist as much the artist influences the art and it can be this positive feedback loop that leads the artist to learn and grow with their art and as a result, their art itself evolves over time too. This kinda reminds me of Pablo Picasso’s work, he is famously said to have moved on from one style of painting to the next as he grew as a person and as an artist. I like to think that this was the reason he moved from one style to the next, on the other hand, it could be he just got bored, enjoyed the thrill of learning new things and conquering new domains, or simply wanted to be relevant in the ever-changing discourse.

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