Fulfilling man’s ultimate fantasy
Metal angel
Gliding over a sheet of white, punctured only by mountains
Can you make snow angels though?
Reducing cars to toys
Mighty waves in the ocean of life to ripples in a pond
Safe away from the mundanity of life, inspiring awe
Revealing the serpentine nature of the determined water cutting through rock
Shining Some light on who gives the terrestrial bound shade when there is too much light
Mountains to sand dunes on a canvas
Escaping trivialities like weather
LEGO houses
Proof of circles in crops and extra life
Managing to make even the big apple (look) small
Live demonstration of geography lessons
Building flashing lights to welcome you back to the planet
Along with chemtrail conspiracies
Giving hope to the man stuck in life’s jam
That he too may soar towards the infinite
When the bombers come there is no place to hide
Caves and cities turned to dust in an instant
Why did you who embodies the highest ideals bend to our basest urges
When we decided to keep weapons away from space, why couldn’t we protect our airspace?
When you are turned into a WMD against your will
And made to crash into places and kill
We must hold up a mirror and ask where did we go wrong
It isn’t surprising then that you would want to vanish without a trace
Is it too late for disarmament to be our saving grace?
Can the skies be friendly again?
Let us work hard so that when the little girl looks at an airplane passing by she is filled with amazement and hope, and not dread for her life.
Written somewhere in the United States airspace between BOS and SFO, my two homes this summer.