Sunday 12 November 2017

We know the way!

A smart guy once said that Presidential elections are won and lost on one square foot of real estate, up here - Leo McGarry on the West Wing 
 You must have heard that our actions are manifestations of our thoughts. I sometimes think that we have all been cursed like Cassandra, our rational selves know what course of action is the best for us, how hard work and perseverance can lead to success; however we rarely end up listening to that voice in our heads.

One of those beliefs is the power of believing that you will achieve your goals. This little gem has been codified in multiple ways, whether you call it 'the power of positive thinking' or 'the secret', all of these boil down to a simple fundamental truth. You can achieve your dreams only when you are truly convinced that, in spite of how bad it may look right now, you will eventually reach your goals.

This stratagem is what Steve Jobs stretched to the limits, much to the bewilderment of his co-workers who ended up labelling it to be 'reality distortion'. The reality distortion field was how Steve perceived the real world, I am sure he was not even aware that he was bending the truth and conflating facts with fiction just to ensure that reality conferred with the picture of the future that he had painted in his head, and if it did not it was time to change that particular reality. That is how you create the future.
The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand. If one line of argument failed to persuade, he would deftly switch to another. Sometimes, he would throw you off balance by suddenly adopting your position as his own, without acknowledging that he ever thought differently. - Andy Hertzfeld

More than anyone else you need to believe in yourself, you need to trust that you have it in you to realise those dreams. No one is genetically programmed for success, if you work hard enough you can master any skill (yes even math), the world is your oyster. This is a hard fact to digest for some of us, because it entails that the only thing standing between us and our goals, is us. 

But once you internalize it this can be a very powerful tool in your toolbox. If we believe that we can achieve something we start acting like the person who can and, subconsciously, slowly we become the person who can. 

Only when you are dead sure you will reach the goal do you have the audacity to take the risks that you need to take. Only then will you make the investments that you need to make. Only then will you dedicate the insane amount of time that it takes (no one has the time to put in all it takes at the same time create a safetynet). Only then will you commit to it.  All it takes is a leap of faith, in yourself.

Happy Birthday Dr brother, may all your dreams come true!